Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Would Barack Obama Make a Good 007?

Former James Bond actor Pierce Brosnan shares why he thinks President-elect Barack Obama has what it takes to be a good 007.

"He's cool enough. He's definitely got the walk and the talk, yes," the actor told People magazine at the second annual Jane Goodall Institute Global Leadership Awards Celebration in Washington, D.C. "But I think he's going to make a greater president," Brosnan said, adding, "and Mr. Daniel Craig is a great Bond of his time."

Brosnan, 55, who has been filming the sequel to 'The Thomas Crown Affair,' also spoke about a possible female lead. "Charlize Theron is someone who I've always admired. I think she's someone who has acquitted herself grandly," Brosnan told People.

Brosnan and his wife Keely received the award for Responsible Activism in Media and Entertainment for their active support of Roots & Shoots, a global environmental youth program started by Goodall.

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