Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Lindsay Lohan nude pics photo shoot: She isn’t quite Marilyn Monroe


The Los Angeles times blog makes a very good point about the New York magazine’s photo spread of Lindsay Lohan’s nude pics. They make the point that Lindsay Lohan is no Marilyn Monroe. Now Lindsay can be absolutely beautiful- there’s no question. But it’s a different kind of beauty. Not the creamy white smooth skin sexpot that Marilyn Monroe personified and exuded. Why remake a good thing, when you can’t make it better?

Why do starlets insist on channeling Marilyn Monroe? At some point, every actress decides to have her “Marilyn moment” and dons a platinum wig and a fake mole to prove that she’s capable of playing an American icon. This week, Lindsay Lohan graces New York magazine in a spread shot by Bert Stern. Yes, that would be the same Stern who shot Monroe six weeks before she died of a reported overdose in 1962.

The alure of Marilyn Monroe, and the attraction to redoing her shoots- is understandable. But similar to American Idol contestants taking on Whitney Houston or Aretha Franklin, if you don’t have the same flair, it’s better not to go there.

Lindsay Lohan has a natural beauty and sweetness that has been covered over in recent years. It’s not too late for her to get her feet solidly on the ground and become who she was on track to becoming, before fame and freedom and lack of structure made it so easy for her to slowly steer herself down an unfortunate path.

Lindsay, you don’t need more fame right now. Just some time to really find yourself again. You will love what you find, if you go deeply enough.

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2 comments on "Lindsay Lohan nude pics photo shoot: She isn’t quite Marilyn Monroe"

Anonymous said...

eeww.. i dont like her figure.. no offense to her fans

Anonymous said...

hmmm.. does she look too tiny?? or just my eyes??



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