Saturday, July 4, 2009

David Carradine's Death Almost Definitely Accidental

It was first thought that David Carradine committed suicide, but that was before everyone knew he was some kind of asphyxiation sex freak. Once we knew that, we all knew it was an accident involving Thai prostitutes and a lot of rope. Now a private autopsy and TMZ are basically confirming that.

Forensic pathologist Dr. Michael Baden said the cause of death was from asphyxiation -- and that binding on his body helped rule out suicide. Baden said Carradine's hands were tied above his head, not behind his back -- but he still needed more information from Thai police to completely rule out the possibility he was killed by someone else.

With Michael Jackson, Farrah Fawcett, and Billy Mays dying, and then about 10 others like George Clooney and Jeff Goldblum being rumored to be dead, I nearly forgot about David Carradine and his ridiculous death. We can finally put it to rest though. RIP, for good.

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