Saturday, July 4, 2009

Kevin Jonas Becomes a Man...Almost

Kevin Jonas of the Jonas Brothers has popped the question to his long-time girlfriend. And that question is of course, "will you hold my hand on our next movie night?" Of course I'm lying because I spit on anything sacred, so let OK! Mag take over:

As reports circulated that Kevin Jonas, 21, popped the question this morning to his girlfriend Danielle Deleasa, a 22-year-old hairdresser, his brothers Joe and Nick Jonas sent out their well wishes via Twitter to let the whole world know how happy they are for their brother.

"Congrats big brother.....Dani welcome to the family, we can't wait to have you join us on the road! love Joe and Nick," the boys Tweeted this afternoon.
That last bit indicates that Joe and Nick might possibly think they are marrying her too. Who wants to break it to them that Kevin is the one getting married and will soon be convinced to leave the band by his wife to pursue a solo career that will never sell more than 3 and a half records? Ooh let me, let meGet your celeb updates here

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