Saturday, July 4, 2009

OK Magazine’s Michael Jackson Cover Of His Dead Body In Bad Taste

Michael Jackson cover of OK Magazine

Most magazines are remembering Michael Jackson on their covers, but OK Magazine has published a quite different photo on their cover… of Michael Jackson’s dead body. Read more on the Michael Jackson cover which is angering many of Jackson’s fans.

Many of the well-known magazines such as Newsweek, People, etc. have put out a beautiful tribute to Michael Jackson. But OK Magazine made the decision to pay $500,000 for a blurry photo of Michael Jackson, where he is presumably already dead.

OK Magazine defends it’s decision and had this to say:

“The cover represents an event in the history of an extremely entertaining and controversial figure and is sure to provoke some emotion and questions from readers and fans about the circumstances. The news often does.”

What do you think of OK Magazine’s decision to put the photo of Michael Jackson’s dead body on it’s cover? Check out the covers of other magazines featuring Michael Jackson tributes below.

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